From the South and Downtown LA areas: North on I-5 to CA-2 (Glendale Freeway). Exit at Holly Drive. Turn left to Harvey Drive. Turn right at Harvey Drive. Turn left at Chevy Chase Drive. Turn right on Kimlin Drive to school.
From the East and the San Gabriel Valley: West on I-210 to CA-134 (Ventura Freeway). Exit at Harvey Drive. Turn right to Chevy Chase Drive. Turn left at Chevy Chase Drive. Turn rigth on Kimlin Drive to school.
From the West and the West San Fernando area: South on U.S. 101 and CA-134 (Ventura Freeway). Exit at Harvey Drive. Turn left on Harvey Drive to Chevy Chase Drive. Turn left at Chevy Chase Drive to Kimlin Drive. Turn right on Kimlin Drive to school.
From the North and Santa Clarita areas: South on I-5 to East CA-134 (Ventura Freeway). Exit at Harvey Drive. Turn left on Harvey Drive to Chevy Chase Drive. Turn left at Chevy Chase Drive to Kimlin Drive. Turn right on Kimlin Drive to school.