About Us » Mission Statement

Mission Statement

There is no greater gift to the future than a generation of young people who are empowered with spiritual commitment, strong academic preparation, leadership skills, and social awareness and sensitivity. Glendale Adventist Academy is at the forefront of developing such young people. Our school provides:
  1. A Christ centered learning environment where students, parents, and teachers can experience the presence of God in a spirit of affirmation,
  2. A progressive curriculum that challenges and fosters the highest academic development, and
  3. A values laden and ethically driven focus that involves students in service for the purpose of developing responsible citizens with a commitment to serve in their local and global communities.
The curriculum maintains a rigorous program of college preparatory courses, religious education, community outreach, art, music, athletics and enrichment opportunities which promote a life-long love for learning.
Spiritual Climate
  • We will be engaged in sharing our faith with each other and with our community
  • We will affirm and recognize the ministry of our teachers and encourage our faculty and staff to openly share about their walk with Christ.
  • We will provide facilities and time for students to have formal and informal prayer and Bible study, the opportunity to present devotionals, and the opportunity to be actively involved in Weeks of Prayer, baptismal classes, and service and volunteer opportunities.
  • We will deliberately seek to integrate faith throughout the school program.
Christian Relationship
  • We will endeavor to assure that contact between staff, students, and parents is positive and affirming, with mutual respect and a strong sense of unity.
  • We will seek to enhance the dignity and worth of each individual through quality interpersonal relationships.
  • We will promote multi-cultural awareness.
  • We will provide positive and enjoyable opportunities for both learning and recreation.
Quality Education
  • We will maintain a continually evolving curriculum that keeps pace with technology, encourages critical thinking, and elicits a commitment to excellence in both staff and students.
  • We will endeavor to enrich our curriculum with a variety of instructional methods and experiences to meet the needs of different learning styles while also seeking to nurture each student's creativity through fine arts.
  • We will strive by both action and example to develop students with uncompromising personal integrity.

Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs)
Spiritual Growth
GAA/GAE students will:
  • gain a knowledge of and respect for Seventh-day Adventist beliefs and principles
  • understand the value of a faith-based and grace-oriented personal relationship with God
Intellectual Growth
GAA/GAE students will:
  • communicate effectively using oral and written language.
  • develop logical and critical thinking skills to facilitate creative problem solving
  • demonstrate proficiency in all curriculum areas to enable advancement through college and career
Physical Growth
GAA/GAE students will:
  • exhibit the importance of self-discipline
  • acquire a knowledge and appreciation of healthful practices that will lead to a life of physical and mental well-being
Social Growth
GAA/GAE students will:
  • identify appropriate behaviors and strategies to develop healthy relationships with the community and the environment
  • display leadership and interpersonal skills
  • engage in Christian service activities and community outreach